Welcome to 12 months of guided seasonal Ayurveda! Be sure to join the Facebook group.

PRASAD Seasonal Ayurveda Course is combined with a club to incorporate Ayurveda into daily life with support. There are many tools of the ayurvedic tradition that can easily be implemented in the North to pursue a long and healthy life. Justine Cederberg is very skilled in interpreting the most ideal tools from this tradition, the tools that are most practical and relatable to Northern folks. For example, rather than focusing on particular “doshas” or constitutions, the seasons are emphasized for suitable living. Instead of fixating on what “type” one is, the student is encouraged to live in accordance with nature. Additionally, this course steers clear of strict food lists which can further aggravate eating disorders and focuses on HOW to eat rather than WHAT to eat. Furthermore, herb monographs and videos connect the student to local wild plants, giving Northern plant knowledge which is often overlooked in Ayurveda trainings. Additionally, weekly club meetings are the perfect addition to keep you on track.

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PRASAD Seasonal Ayurveda

Your guide to living in rhythm with nature.