PRASAD Seasonal Ayurveda Certified Course provides preventative care, education and support from Justine Cederberg. It is combined with PRASAD Seasonal Ayurveda Club to help stay on track with your peers. Like an Ayurvedic first-aid kit, there are many tools of the ayurvedic tradition that can easily be implemented in the North to pursue a long and healthy life. The course and club gives the right set of tools to thrive anywhere that receives a proper winter. Furthermore, herb monographs and professional videos connect the student to local wild plants which is often overlooked in Ayurveda trainings. You can start by joining monthly to complete the winter season together or after completing 12 full months you will be certified as an Ayurveda Lifestyle Coach. 2nd & 3rd trainings are being developed for Ayurveda Consultant Certificates.
Justine Cederberg will help you easily succeed in achieving your health goals, ambitions and education. The club includes weekly zoom group calls with recordings plus access to the online learning community. You can join anytime for the minimum of one season, for those interested in the certification, 12 months start upon sign up date. Starting at €39 per month.
VATA SEASON October- March
KAPHA SEASON April- Middle June
PITTA SEASON Middle June- September
Free access to monthly seasonal tips. It's a small taste of PRASAD Seasonal Ayurveda Course & Club.
As a Seasonal Ayurveda Certified Course & Club member you will receive support from Justine Cederberg plus access to the exclusive online learning community. Including weekly group calls and support from your peers. The certified online course is a deep dive into 12 months of Seasonal Ayurveda. A certificate is granted upon completion. You can join anytime for the minimum of one season. 12 monthly payments start upon sign up date.
As a Seasonal Ayurveda Club member you will receive support from Justine Cederberg plus access to the exclusive online learning community. Including weekly group calls and support from your peers, it's easy to stay on the Ayurveda track.
As a Seasonal Ayurveda Certified Course & Club member you will receive support from Justine Cederberg plus access to the exclusive online learning community. Including weekly group calls and support from your peers, it's easy to stay on track. The certified online course is a deep dive into 12 months of Seasonal Ayurveda. A certificate is granted upon completion. You can join anytime, 12 monthly starts upon sign up date. An annual savings of €90!