SHISHIRA RITU (late winter season)
January to late March (approximately) is considered as Shishira Ritu ( late winter season). During this season, the environment remains cold, along with cold wind. The Earth cools down giving rise to energy and a good appetite. The digestive system is at it's peak during this season, as the body generates enough heat to make digestion easier. The predominant rasa (taste) during this season is tikta (bitter) and the predominant mahabhutas (great element) are vayu (air) and akasha (space). The strength of the person becomes less. Shishira is difficult season for vata, if a rich and healthy diet is not followed the agni consumes the tissues (autolysis), aggravating vata dosha in the body, leading to imbalance. It is a season for kapha accumulation and those with a balanced kapha constitution will thrive.
It is recommended to follow the diet established during hemanta ritu, with lots of sweet, sour, salty, fatty, and fermented foods served with warming spices. Milk products plus unrefined sweeteners, including honey, maple syrup, agave nectar, unsulphered molasses, brown rice syrup, coconut sugar, sucanat, fruit, date sugar and jaggery are to be included in the diet. Foods with amla (sour) as the predominant taste are very beneficial such as berries, lemons, limes etc. Foods having Katu
(pungent), tikta (bitter), kashaya (astringent) predominant Rasa are to be avoided. Laghu (light) and shita (cold) foods are prohibited. Herbs and spices from hemanta ritu are recommended to continue with ample addition of ginger, garlic, haritaki (fruits of terminalia chebula), pippali (fruits of piper longum) and chyvanprash.
In Tasyashitya chapter of Charaka Samhita, it is said“Tasya Shitadiya Ahaarbalam Varnascha Vardhate. Tasyartusatmayam Vaditam Chestaharvyapasrayam,” which means “the strength and complexion of a person is enhanced if they know the suitable diet and regimen for every season and practice it accordingly.” Cold weather and low humidity levels result in dry air, which then dries the skin. A few steps to renew radiance are as follows: Oil massage followed by steam bath or sauna or abhyanga massage 10-15 with mustard oil to keep the body warm and strong is also recommended. Mustard oil can increase pitta energy and is not recommended for those with eye infections or recent eye surgery. PRASAD offers ayurveda treatments including abhyanga (oil massage) and heating treatments with lepana (herbal paste application). The essential oils of PRASAD Vata Perfum are perfect for grounding the elements. PRASAD Love Elixir opens the heart and lifts the mood during the cold and dark months. Mustard oil can also be purchased on PRASAD web shop. Being in love and enjoying sex is especially favored during this season. Vata aggravating lifestyle like exposure to cold wind, excessive walking or exercise, retiring to sleep at late night hours are to be avoided.
- Abhyanga self oil or professional massage
- Increase heavy and nourishing foods
- Make warm meals with the remaining berries from the freezer
- Lemon or lime morning water. Lemons are heating, limes are more cooling, so be careful with lemons if pitta is high.
- Cozy up with a partner for intimacy